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E-böcker / 6-9 år

Omslagsbild för Batteriet & Motorn möter Solkraftverket

Batteriet & Motorn möter Solkraftverket

I den här boken möter Batteriet & Motorn Solkraftverket som hjälper till att göra ny el till Batteriet som somnat efter att ha gett Motorn all sin kraft för en fartfylld biltur i ö ...

Omslagsbild för The Most Incredible Thing

The Most Incredible Thing

The princess’s hand in marriage was promised to the man who could accomplish the most incredible thing. He would also receive half of the Kingdom. All the young men, and the not-so ...

Omslagsbild för The Great Sea Serpent

The Great Sea Serpent

One sunny day, when a little sea fish was swimming joyfully with his eighteen thousand brothers and sisters, the water was darkened by an enormous eel who came from above and was h ...

Omslagsbild för The Gardener and the Noble Family 

The Gardener and the Noble Family 

Larsen was a very good gardener, but the noble family he served always found fault with the fruit and vegetables he produced in the garden and the vegetable patch or with the flowe ...

Omslagsbild för The Cripple

The Cripple

Ole and Kristen worked for a lord who was both rich and good. Every year, for Christmas, together with his wife, he welcomed all the poor children of the area to the castle and tre ...

Omslagsbild för Luck May Lie in a Pin

Luck May Lie in a Pin

To every child born, God offers a gift – this gift is not placed in their cradle, but in a secret place, where no one would dream of looking for it. So, this gift can be found in m ...

Omslagsbild för The Shepherd Boy

The Shepherd Boy

There was a once a shepherd boy who was so clever that he could answer every question he was asked. The king in the kingdom had however three very specific questions. Do you think ...

Omslagsbild för The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat

The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat

An old miller who did not have a family of his own wanted to retire and leave his mill to one of his three apprentices. All he wanted from them was to bring him the finest horse ev ...

Omslagsbild för Stories about Snakes

Stories about Snakes

Do you want to read not only one but three stories about snakes? Then you have chosen the right Brothers Grimm’s folktale. It is about small children getting along with snakes whic ...

Omslagsbild för The Willow-Wren and the Bear

The Willow-Wren and the Bear

Kids you know that it is not right to insult other people, right? Nor animals? Apparently the bear in our story was not taught well. She insulted the wren’s children and called the ...

Omslagsbild för The Goose-Girl

The Goose-Girl

A beautiful girl with a golden hair was betrothed to a prince from a far kingdom. The girl and her maid headed out on the long journey towards the prince’s home. Little did the gir ...

Omslagsbild för The Poor Man and the Rich Man

The Poor Man and the Rich Man

One day the Lord travelled in disguise wanting to test who will welcome him in his home. He knocked first on a rich man’s door but he was impolite and rude and sent the Lord away. ...

Omslagsbild för How Six Men Got On in the World

How Six Men Got On in the World

A soldier is not properly paid for his service to the country so he decides to take his revenge on the king. He however realizes that it would be almost impossible to succeed by hi ...

Omslagsbild för Allerleirauh


The queen’s wish before she died was that the king would marry a woman as beautiful as her and with hair as golden as hers. The king did everything he could to keep the promise he ...

Omslagsbild för Faithful John

Faithful John

There was once an old king. His last wish was to keep his son away from the picture of the princess of the Golden Dwelling. You may wonder why? Well by seeing the picture the young ...

Omslagsbild för Överallt och ingenstans

Överallt och ingenstans

Överallt och ingenstans är en existentiell thriller för barn på väg att bli stora eller stora på väg att bli barn. Vi följer Sillen när hon försöker få ordning på vänskap, familj, ...

Omslagsbild för Josefin och lilla Emma

Josefin och lilla Emma

Josefin är 6 år och bor i en lägenhet på tredje våningen. Där bor också mamma, pappa och lilla Emma. Josefin kommer ihåg precis hur det var när Emma låg i mammas mage. Tänk att hon ...

Omslagsbild för Skattletare är vi allihopa

Skattletare är vi allihopa

Ute på ön Stora Aspskär finns det en skatt nergrävd på ett mycket hemligt ställe. Lekskolefröken Tantina är den enda som vet var skatten finns. Hon känner många barn, och alla vill ...

Omslagsbild för The Seven Swabians

The Seven Swabians

Do you want to hear a funny story about seven Swabians? They were willing to go on an adventure, but it turned out that their courage was not enough. And you agree that you have to ...

Omslagsbild för The Water of Life

The Water of Life

A king gets so sick that only some magic spell can cure him. His devastated three sons set out in the world searching for the Water of Life. It is said that only this can help thei ...

Omslagsbild för Hans in Luck

Hans in Luck

Hans was a faithful and honest servant and his master granted him with a piece of gold. Hans was however not satisfied. This piece was too heavy to carry around all the time. So he ...

Omslagsbild för The Wolf and the Fox

The Wolf and the Fox

The wolf and the fox were into some type of agreement which is hardly called friendship. The wolf needed the fox’s help to get food because every time he tried to snatch something, ...

Omslagsbild för Jorinde and Joringel

Jorinde and Joringel

Jorinde and Joringel are a couple in love who wander around in the forest without realizing that they have come too close to a witch’s castle. The witch throws a magic spell over J ...

Omslagsbild för The Golden Goose

The Golden Goose

Many tales have proven that kindness pays back. Once lived a boy who was so kindhearted that he received a golden goose as a gift. There were however many greedy people who wanted ...

Omslagsbild för Little Snow-White

Little Snow-White

Snow White is a marvelous girl "with skin white as snow, lips red as blood and hair black as ebony". Her step-mother however wants to be the most beautiful of all and when one day ...