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E-böcker / Fantasy & SF

Omslagsbild för The Sea-Hare

The Sea-Hare

"The Sea-Hare" is an unusual tale about a proud princess who spends most of her time in a magical tower with twelve windows. Unlike other stories about princesses who fall in love ...

Omslagsbild för The Nail

The Nail

Have you heard the saying "a little stone may upset a large cart"? You know, our story follows the same proverb. A man was on his way home from a fair when someone told him that on ...

Omslagsbild för The Owl

The Owl

People have said that fear has big eyes. And this saying is proven to be right. Here goes another example of it. There was once a horned owl who found himself in a barn in a little ...

Omslagsbild för Sharing Joy and Sorrow

Sharing Joy and Sorrow

A man is sent to jail for beating his wife. After a while he is released and he promises to never repeat his faults. He says that a couple has to share every joy and sorrow and sta ...

Omslagsbild för Lean Lisa

Lean Lisa

Do you want to hear a story about one hard-working woman? Her name is Lean Lisa and she works from early morning to late evening. She is restless and is trying to figure out a way ...

Omslagsbild för The Old Beggar-Woman

The Old Beggar-Woman

What if we told you that there was once a poor old woman who was going around from door to door begging for some money. What if we told you also that a kind young man did not only ...

Omslagsbild för The Ungrateful Son

The Ungrateful Son

Let us tell you one story which is to serve as an example of what you should not do. A man and his wife were about to enjoy a meal together when the man saw his older father coming ...

Omslagsbild för Simeli Mountain

Simeli Mountain

Let me ask you something. Do you think mountains hide secrets? Or riches and treasures? Would you believe us if we told you that the boy in our story saw how twelve robbers entered ...

Omslagsbild för The Lambkin and the Little Fish

The Lambkin and the Little Fish

You have heard many stories about evil step-mothers, right? Well this one is quite scary. There was once a step-mother who hated her step-children so much that she changed them int ...

Omslagsbild för The Three Black Princesses

The Three Black Princesses

A fisherman’s son ends up in an enchanted castle hidden in a high mountain. There he finds three princesses who are all dressed in black. They do not harm him but he has to find a ...

Omslagsbild för Frederick and Catherine

Frederick and Catherine

Frederick and Catherine are a couple in love who lead a funny and eventful life. Catherine is so clumsy and stupid at times that she manages to get herself in trouble by doing what ...

Omslagsbild för Gräns


Tina som jobbar vid tullen är fenomenalt skicklig på att ta fast smugglare. Aldrig har hon tagit miste, förrän idag. När Vore kliver av färjan tvekar hon för första gången på sina ...

Omslagsbild för Mirjam och Sagostenen

Mirjam och Sagostenen

Vem är flickan i spegeln?Vad gömmer sig i ån Lagans svarta djup?Varför har Sagostenen en gapande mun?Har någon gömt guld i Högarör?Finns det troll i Kuggaberg?Vill du följa Mirjam ...

Omslagsbild för Hämnd


Ulf Hagman är en till det yttre helt betydelselös person. En vän man i medelåldern. Men det finns ett bagage i hans liv som under åren har gjort honom till en stenkall mördare på j ...

Omslagsbild för Och jorden snurrar vidare

Och jorden snurrar vidare

Har du någon gång funderat över hur mänsklighetens framtid kan tänkas se ut? Eller om aliens faktiskt redan besökt vår planet i smyg? I denna sci-fi- och fantasydoftande novellsaml ...

Omslagsbild för Det allseende ögat är slutet

Det allseende ögat är slutet

När det allseende ögat blundar suddas gränserna ut och låter sådant hända som ingen trott var möjligt. Löpare slår världsrekord i rymden, utländska makter tillåts infiltrera svensk ...

Omslagsbild för Krönikan om Hyboria

Krönikan om Hyboria

Skramlet av svärd dog bort, skriken från striden upphörde och tystnaden bredde ut sig över den blodiga snön. Den bleka solen blänkte nu i sönderhuggna harnesk och brutna vapen i hö ...

Omslagsbild för The Robber Bridegroom

The Robber Bridegroom

A miller’s daughter is about to marry a rich man who is however creepy and scary. All the birds and creatures try to warn the poor girl. Something is quite not alright with her sui ...

Omslagsbild för The Wedding of Mrs. Fox

The Wedding of Mrs. Fox

Mr. Fox had some doubts about his wife Mrs. Fox. He thought that she was unfaithful to him and he decided to put her to the test. He behaved as he was dead as he wanted to see if M ...

Omslagsbild för The Three Languages

The Three Languages

The boy in our story decided to learn languages. And so he did. The language of birds, of dogs and of frogs. His father was however not satisfied. The boy had to be killed. His fat ...

Omslagsbild för Clever Hans

Clever Hans

Hans was in love with a girl named Gretel. They saw each other every day and every time Gretel gave Hans a gift. Hans was however not that smart, so he mishandled the gifts. Gretel ...

Omslagsbild för Little Louse and Little Flea

Little Louse and Little Flea

Once lived a louse and a flea together and then suddenly one day the louse burnt herself. The flea got scared and began screaming. And this simple thing led to the door’s creaking, ...

Omslagsbild för The Singing Bone

The Singing Bone

Whoever kills the wild boar and frees the land from this plague, will marry the king’s daughter. This is the challenge two brothers decided to face. You may think that they were wi ...

Omslagsbild för The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage

The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage

Here goes a tale about three little friends who lived together and shared daily tasks like cooking or gathering woods. But as it often happens in some households, a problem occurre ...

Omslagsbild för Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales

Children and adults alike, immerse yourselves into Grimm’s world of folktales and legends! Come, discover the little-known tales and treasured classics in this collection of 210 fa ...